
Overview of ongoing 50th WMTS tournament

Overview of ongoing 50th WMTS tournament

135 players from 18 countries (Turkey, USA, Sweden, Slovakia, Russia, Romania, Poland, Norway, Lithuania, Latvia, Italy, Iran, Hungary, Germany, Croatia, Austria, Czech Republic) are takeing part in the 50th World Medical Tennis Championship (WMTS) in Turkey.

Lithuania delegation is the lasrgest one and consist of 38 people (25 tournament participants). Everone is ensured to enjoy great weather, very good tennis courts, food, entertainment, good mood and the achievements.

We have something to be proud and happy about today. The Lithuanian women’s team won against Turkey and will play in the finals against Poland. Lithuania’s honor is defended by team members: Eglė Vindašiūtė – Narbutė, Renata Steponkienė and team leader Birutė Adomavičienė.

The achievements of the Lithuanian men’s team are more modest. Lithuania won the victory against Indonesia and stumbled against the US team the next day. Šarūnas Čepas, Jonas Špūras, Alvydas Pūkas, Renatas Tikuišis and Aidas Valiukevičius played for the Lithuanian national team.

On Tuesday winners of the singles tournament at WMTS became:

Aušra Kepenė – II place in the 40+ age group,

Šarūnas Čepas – III place in the 40+ age group,

Birutė Miliauskienė – II place in the 60+ age group,

Jonas Špūras – III place in the 60+ age group.

Alina and Renatas Tikuišiai won the 3rd place in the doubles tournament in the 40+ age group.

In the coming days Birutė Adomavičienė and Antanas Černikis will play in the WMTS final, and Renata Steponkienė in the semi-final.

Birutė Adomavičienė / Renata Steponkienė against Olivia Gustienė and dentist from Hungary, Šarūnas Čepas / Aušra Kepenė and Jonas Andriuškevičius will meet with a tennis partner from the Czech Republic in the doubles final.

Eglė Vindašiūtė – Narbutė and her tennis partner from Italy, Svajūnas Barakauskas / Sigitas Stonkus and Svajūnas and Aušrinė Barakauskas will compete in the semi-finals of the doubles.

The members of the delegation have also won many consolation prizes, which we will mention later.

The national evening of the tournament participants will take place on Wednesday. The finals, awards and closing of the tournament on Friday. We will announce the final results after the WMTS tournament.

Lithuanian medical tennis team from Turkey.