50th WMTS Tournament in Turkey – Overview

The 50th World Medical Tennis Tournament in Turkey is over. The whole Lithuanian delegation successfully returned home, the women’s team won and brought the Nations cup to Lithuania again, beating Poland in the final, with the result 2: 6,6: 3,10: 6. The tournament was very successful, the Lithuanians won 22 sets of medals !!!!
We have already mentioned some of the winners, now we present the champions and prize winners who have emerged in the last days:
Birutė Adomavičienė I place in age group 55 +
Antanas Černikis I place in age group 65 +
Renata Steponkiene III place in age group 50 +
Irena Misevičienė III place in age group 70 +
Women’s doubles
Birutė Adomavičienė / Renata Steponkienė I place in age group 50 +
Olivija Gustiene / partner from Hungary II place in age group 50 +
Birutė Vilija Miliauskienė / partner from Turkey II place in age group 60 +
Men’s doubles
Svajūnas Barakauskas / Sigitas Stonkus III place in age group 55 +
Jonas Andriuškevičius / partner from Czech II place in age group 65 +
Mixed doubles
Eglė Vindašiūtė-Narbutė / partner from Italy III place in age OPEN group
Aušra Kepenė / Šarūnas Čepas II place in age group 40 +
Aušrinė Barakauskienė / Svajūnas Barakauskas III place in age group 55 +
Birutė Vilija Miliauskienė / Jonas Andriuškevičius III place in age group 60 +
Eglė Vindašiūtė-Narbutė, open group
Renatas Tikuišis, age group 50+
Skaidra Valiukevičienė / partner from Turkey, age group 50+
Renatas Tikuišis / Aidas Valiukevičius age group 50+
During the tournament, three fun parties were organized, a special feeling enveloped everyone, when at the closing party, the Lithuanian women’s team was invited to the stage, a beautiful cup was presented, and the anthem of the Republic of Lithuania was played, and a tricolor flickered on the screen.
The Lithuanian delegation was the most abundant, the most stylish, very friendly, supporting its own and beautiful tennis!
The tournament was a success, we appreciate it very well, it is